

If you work in the media and would like to write about Vallda Golf & Country Club, please get in touch and we will provide you with what you need - pictures, information and of course an interview. The press photos are free to use for media and organisations in connection with mentions of Vallda Golf & Country Club. Please quote the name of the photographer.

Press contact: Patrik Fredriksson

Pictures by Bruhnsfoto


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies throughout the EU. The aim is to create a uniform and equivalent level of protection for personal data so that the free flow of data within Europe is not hindered. Much of the GDPR is similar to the rules that existed in the Personal Data Act.

To make you feel confident about how we handle your personal data, we are transparent about how we collect, process and share the information we hold about you. This is very important to us.

Personal data is any information that can be used to identify a specific person. It can be your name and contact details, but also your golf ID and your playing history. We make sure that your personal data is always protected with us and that the processing complies with both applicable data protection rules and internal procedures.

Here are some examples of how-and why-we process your personal data:

When you book an appointment to play, we process your personal data for the purpose of registration booking in GIT, golf's IT system.

When you play a competition, we process your personal data to register the registration, start time and results in GIT Competition. Your presence in the competition may also appear on Vallda G&CC's website, both in the form of a photo and your first and last name.

When you register as a member, we process your personal data in order to register you as a member of GIT, sign you up for our newsletter, register you as a member on Match-i (where you can then book padel), and arrange for invoicing and/or direct debit payment.

When you register yourself or your children for a training course, we process your personal data to register attendance and arrange billing.

When you purchase a key badge, we process your personal data to give you access to a personal locker.

In particular, it concerns the attendance record for junior training and is used by the municipality as a basis for association grants. The Swedish Golf Federation has, together with the Swedish Sports Confederation, drawn up a code of conduct for sport with regard to the General Data Protection Regulation, which applies to all processing of personal data in sports activities. The SGF has also updated the GIT rules which govern all processing of personal data in the GIT. Together with our internal procedures, the GIT rules and the Code of Conduct for Sport shape the personal data policy that we apply at Vallda G&CC.

You have certain rights in relation to your personal data that we hold on file with us. Among other things, you have the right to request what information we hold about you and to have it corrected in the event of an error. In certain circumstances, you have the right to have your personal data erased. For example, if there is no longer a need to process the personal data or if you have opted out of direct marketing. However, if we need the information to perform a contract with you or if there is a legal requirement for us to keep the personal data, we cannot erase it.

If you have any further questions about the GDPR and personal data processing, please send an email to

Contact us

Vallda Golf & Country Club

Vallda Golfväg 55
434 90 Vallda

Tel. +46 300 40 40 00

Deer Mountain Golf AB 556705-6980

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